Our 50th Reunion was wonderful! Thank you, thank you to all who came, and helped too. Many suggested that we get together again in a mere five years. Why not? We have a good working email list now, so let's try.
I will post all the bios which came in during the final week before the reunion, and if you send me photos, I'll put them up as well.
24 October 2009
Sonja Lystad Heyerdahl came to the US with her husband, Oscar, in June. We coordinated her visit with a get-together honoring my parents' 70th Anniversary. Harvey Rohde came over and here we are, in New Hampshire.
Recently Bob and I visited Kent and Lissa in New Canaan, and Lissa had invited Rita Suffredini Lapcevic to join us all for dinner. Here we are. Bob took the picture.
Remember, to see older blog postings just click on it at the bottom, or click "blog archive." They're all there, but not always visible on the first page. Every time a new one is added, the others get pushed down.
I'm just learning how to put up this page. For many of you out there, this is probably very easy. Believe me, I'm struggling! Here's my plan: Post a message here, or send pictures to me at: kgemmett@rochester.rr.com. Send pictures of yourself, your family, your pet, your grandchildren, old or new. I'll post them here so we can re-connect. We need updated email addresses for everyone.